Photo of me

I am a Research Scientist Manager at Meta working on large language models.

More broadly, I make fast neural networks and language models; see my papers or CV.

According to the New York Times, I am a native speaker of C++ "on semipermanent loan from the Internet" and my t-shirt collection is "threadbare."

Past projects

launched local translation in Firefox
released trillions of tokens of text and ingesting 7 petabytes of web data
mined parallel corpora from the web
mined parallel corpora from patents
is my toolkit for n-gram language models

Brief CV

Efficient Translation:Founder
Edinburgh:Reader ≅ Associate Professor
Edinburgh:Lecturer ≅ Assistant Professor
Bloomberg:Senior Research Scientist
Edinburgh:Research Associate
Carnegie Mellon:PhD advised by Alon Lavie
Google:Software Engineer
Caltech:BSc, Mathematics and Computer Science